Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Lately has been emotional!

We haven't been home at all and when we are not at home both Taylor and I eat horrible. We both eat so much that we feel gross. I hate that feeling yet do it all of the time. As we were driving home the other night I realized that I was so focused on calories and not giving my body enough attention. I have learned all of the things that I "shouldn't do" but I have fallen into those habits. I want to start changing my idea of health and eating and body weight and focus on being healthy and eating what my body needs and not looking at calories. It is really hard and I still have that mentality but hopefully by working to change my habits I can be freed of this food addiction.

I took a nutrition class and one book we read is called Intuitive Eating. I really want to focus on that and eat when my body is hungry and stop when it is full. I want to be able to eat a hamburger and not feel guilty. I want to be able to eat a handful of candy and stop instead of eating so much more that I make myself sick.

The journey will be hard but I pray that God can get me away from the addiction so that I have more time to spend with Him. If there are others out there that have these same issues; pray God will help you through. We can help and encourage each other to overcome addiction.

On the bright side Taylor and I went on a run this morning. It is always so hard to get going but it feels good afterward. It is getting cold here and we had to wear gloves and ear coverings today. Then I have the problem my hands either being really hot or really cold....what to do?!

Time for bed! Nothing too exciting for food this week. Nothing is sounding so great. I feel like I am in a bit of a food rut. Any ideas?

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Binge

So...I am not really a "binge" eater but when we go out of town I eat so much! We were away this weekend and Friday was ok but Saturday was worse and by Sunday I was eating so much junk food. Do you ever have that problem or is it just me? I eat fine at our house but as soon as I go somewhere, all walls are broken down and I eat and eat and eat.

Any tips on how to avoid that? I feel so gross afterward and then when I get home I just want more sweets. It is awful!

On the bright side, it is nice being home and getting back to a normal eating schedule. I was looking for some recipes tonight and I found a few that I can't wait to try. Here they are

Club Reuben
Protein Bars

We are also trying some new recipes this week so I will let you know if I find anything really good.

Now I am ready for bed!